This is an update from Diana Elbanna, Director of Development, Medicine/Surgery from Jefferson University Hospital, on the ultrasound training device that targets the digestive system.
We recently connected with Dr. Kozuch and she shared with us updates about the training that your generous gift is supporting. She has completed the first of three modules, and is in the middle of
the hands-on module 2 training which requires travel to different sites to receive one-on-one training with an expert. She went to University of Chicago in August, and is currently in the midst of planning time at Dartmouth this winter. She anticipates that she will be done with module 2 in April, and module 3 will be completed later in the spring.
We are confirming which physician will be trained next, and identifying a module 1 to be attended, likely in the second half of 2025.
Thank you again for your support – this training and technology will go a long way in improving the lives of those impacted by diseases like Crohn’s and Colitis.
We are so grateful for you, and the rest of the A Mother’s Wish team. Enjoy this last part of the year (how quickly it came!), and looking forward to continuing our good work together in 2025.
Diana Elbanna
Director of Development, Medicine/Surgery
Office of Institutional Advancement
Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health