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A Mother’s Wish supports The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Stem Cell Research Team

 A Mother’s Wish partnered with CHOP’s Doctors to increase their stem cell research programs in hopes that perhaps one day that could be used to cure this disease.

 We decided the best option is with Dr. Kathryn Hamilton and her team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She understands how epithelial stem cells from patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) behave differently than stem cells from patients without IBD. If they understand these disease specific differences in stem cells, they can develop new therapies that can support restoration of damaged intestinal tissue which will help future IBD patients.

 Together, we are hopeful that one day make life a little easier for all these people affected by the disease. CHOP invited AMW to tour the KOP facility and a visit into the operating room.

 Thank you for all your support!


 A Mother’s Wish




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